Intern Learning Hub
In addition to Internship opportunities, Opportunities For All seeks to provide resources and information to support youth, young adults, and community in their workforce development and growth. This Intern Learning Hub is available to anyone seeking additional knowledge and information about various aspects of workforce development.
A resume? Do I need one?
A resume is a written accounting of your skills, experiences, and accomplishments. YES, you need one! One day, you may apply for a job, an internship, a program, college, a scholarship. Your resume will help you to stand out and show that you are the best candidate!
And, guess what? Your resume doesn’t have to be fancy or full of high profile internships! Do you watch your siblings after school? Include it! Do you make homemade treats to sell? That goes on there too! How about flipping jordan’s? That’s right. Add it to your resume to show your entrepreneurial spirit! Here are a few templates to help you on your resume journey! If you see one you like, click on the image to be directed to the link. Make a copy of the template, add your information, and you are ready to go!
BEST PRACTICE: Name your resume file with your first and last name!

Why do I need a Linkedin profile?
Linkedin is the largest, business-oriented website for professionals. A good LinkedIn profile gives you visibility with employers and recruiters, credibility as a good employee, and access to potential opportunities. It also opens up your network and gives you access to current job openings. Check out the ultimate cheat sheet fto help make your Linkedin profile FABULOUS!