Opportunities For All Partner Engagement



Opportunities for All (OFA) is building partnerships and pathways that focus on postsecondary success, career development, and economic mobility. OFA is committed to building an inclusive program that offers opportunities to all young people, wherever they are on their journey.

Successful work-based learning programs are comprehensive and operate with intentionality, connecting a youth’s experiences, skills, and interests with a related industry.

OFA Partners make a critical difference in the lives of young people by providing them the opportunity to develop personally, build professional skills, and gain social capital. Many of our Partners become long-term mentors, and are instrumental to a young person meeting their goals.




Code Tenderloin has been an Opportunities For All Partner since its inception. Code TL introduces San Francisco youth to tech in a way that is both valuable and fun, helping them to develop and build their skills.

Through their Web Development Program, Code TL teaches interns the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Through a mix of both instruction and project-based learning, interns build their own website from scratch using their new frontend web development skills, leveraging both soft skills and technical training to share their story and their goals.

Their Robotics Program provides an engaging introduction into the field of robotics where student interns learn python, simple block code, and use those skills to remotely control a robot live to carry out tasks and further projects! Opportunities For All is proud to partner with Code Tenderloin to provide meaningful internships for San Francisco youth!

Play the interactive game, Duck Duck Click, created by Code TL Intern, Alex. How many ducks can you pet?


Q. What is the minimum time commitment to host a youth?

A. We expect companies to host a minimum of 90 hours per youth during the 6 week summer internship.

Q. How many hours per day/week will be required?

A. It’s our goal that each youth works a minimum of 90 hours over the course of the summer. Based on the scheduling needs of the youth and company, this could look like 15 hours per week for the 6 weeks of internships/programming of OFA. We try to create diverse options to accommodate youth with summer school but will depend on our partner capacity.

Q. When does the Opportunities for All initiative application open for 2025?

A. Recruiting and registration for summer 2025 is NOW OPEN. Applications will be available via the “APPLY” tab on the top right of the page.

Q. How can youth sign up for jobs?

A. Youth may apply for OFA at https://www.opps4allsf.org/faq-apply-for-internship

Q. Who should I follow up with?


 Increasingly, people are realizing the importance of coupling education with employment preparation in order to adequately prepare all youth for success in the workforce

 Increasingly, people are realizing the importance of coupling education with employment preparation in order to adequately prepare all youth for success in the workforce